Welcome to our weekly diary. Here you will find information for what's happening this week and in the near future.
Midweek groups: Midweek Groups start back w/c 5th January to 6th April with the usual break after an all age service.
Children and Families: Contact Sarah Hamer on
Messy Church (2nd Sunday of the month) supported by local churches. Meet at 3:30pm at St James URC Alnwick.
All Age service at ABC at 10:30am (3rd Sunday of the month).
Prayer Meeting: Saturdays at 9am. The Prayer meetings are on Saturday's at Lisburn Street for an hour. If you're able to come along, you'd be most welcome.
Prayer line: Please remember that we do have a prayer line for urgent prayer requests which is looked after by Thelma Pallas and Chris Friend. It's important to recognise that there are folk in our church family who will bring specific requests to the prayer line but may not want that shared more publicly. We want to honour and respect these wishes.
Pastoral Team: The Pastoral Team is there for everyone in the life of the church and it may well be that you or someone you know needs practical support. If that's the case, please get in touch with our Triage co-ordinator Pauline Davidson. We do have capacity as a team and we want to make sure that we are meeting the needs of those who need it most.
Mondays@7: This is a monthly guys group. We will meet again on Monday 3rd March 2025. More details from Chris Friend
RT's Cafe: After a successful and busy 2024, Robert's cafe has now closed for the winter and will reopen in the Spring of 2025. Robert wants to thank everyone who's popped in during the year and looks forward to seeing you again next year.
This week and in the next few weeks.......
Church and Trustees meetings: Church meetings have been scheduled for Wednesday 5th March 2025, Wednesday 9th July 2025, Wednesday 19th November 2025. Trustees meeting are scheduled for Saturday 7th June 2025, Saturday 13th September 2025, Monday 3rd November 2025.
Christians Together in Alnwick (CTiA) meetings are open to all - they begin at 7pm at St James Pottergate.