There are monthly services held for the residents in both these settings. Contact us for information on dates and times.
Guys Group
Every First Monday evening of each month at 7:00pm in a local pub.
Thursdays@7 + The Gathering
Opportunity to do 'shared lives and ask the bigger questions' 7:00-8:00pm Currently meeting at Starbucks. Contact us for further information and updates.
Born from Thursdays@7, a group called The Gathering meets monthly on Sunday teatimes in homes over food to explore more about following Jesus.
Book Club
Currently reading 'The Book of Forgiving'
Midweek Groups
These meet in homes on various days where we discuss how to apply Scripture to our lives, share our needs in a safe place, and offer love and encouragement. We now have a hybrid of online and in person groups.
Walking Group
We have regular walks - please contact us for more information.
Christians Against Poverty
ABC is a Christians Against Poverty (CAP)
centre with a manager and volunteer team.
Messy Church
From September - May, Messy Church is held at St James’ Church once a month, Sunday at 3:30pm. Contact us for the programme.
Muddy Church/ Family Church
In addition to our monthly all age services on the third Sunday of the month, we look to reach out to families with younger children on Sunday afternoons through Muddy Church and Family Church. Contact us to find out more.
Tuesday 'Explore' Group
This is a weekly access group for people who are curious about faith and want to know more about what it means to follow God.
Young people
Under the ecumenical banner of Ignite, there are regular youth cells:
SENIOR YOUTH CELL (years 10-13)
Currently the youth cells are operating on an alternating fortnightly basis.
Tuesday evening 7:15-8:45pm
Weaver’s Court
Weaver’s Court Pastoral Care
ABC have Pastoral Care team in place to support those residing or working at WC. If you feel you would benefit from this ministry please get in contact for further information. Songs of Praise
Held at WC every month on Thursday at 10:30. Faith Talks
Faith Talks meets every Thursday 6:00-7:00pm for coffee, cake and Faith Talk!!
Find out More
For further information about our activities or to get connected please email: